Mobbler 0.3.5 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic / N97 Music Player
Mobbler, Mobile Scrobbler, is a radio player and scrobbler for Nokia S60 3rd and 5th edition smartphones. It allows you to listen to your radio stations and to scrobble tracks played using the Nokia S60 Music Player. Music player scrobbling can be done both whilst you listen, or queued offline to be submitted later.
Warning: Please note that the radio player functionality of mobbler will use a lot of data. The makers of Mobbler can not be held responsible for your phone bill.
Mobbler should be compatible with all Nokia s60 3rd and 5th edition mobile phones. To see a list of these devices then please go here.
Download the SIS file on the right and install mobbler on you phone. Please note that if you are upgrading mobbler, you may need to un-install your current version before installing again.
If you have a 3.0 then you should also install mobblerhelper.sis. If you don't know what your phone is then it won't hurt to install this anyway.
If mobbler won't install, it probably means that your phone does not accept self signed applications. You will need to go to the application manager on your phone and change the software installation setting from signed only to all.
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