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Thursday, December 3, 2009

HongDi Tech DuDu Recorder v4.30 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Full

HongDi Tech DuDu Recorder v4.30 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Full

Arama kayıtlarını otomatik kaydetme özelliği.
Sınırsız kayıt zamanı
ARM formatında kayıt desteği
Hafıza kartı dahil doğrudan kayıt desteği.(Tam olarak hafızayı kullanabilme)
Arka plan modunda ses kayıt özelliği
Kısayol tuşları ile heran kayıt yapabilme özelliği
Kolay yönetim için arayan bilgisi-süresi-tarih-saat gibi bilgi özelliği.
Kişinin adı ve zamana göre sıralama özellliği
Nokia PC Suite ile kolay bir şekilde ses kliplerini aktarma özelliği.
Otomatik başlangıç özelliği
Devre dışı bırakıp aktifleşitirebileceğiniz birden çok özellik.

DuDu is a Call Recorder for Symbian S60 phones. This application is easy to
use, while retaining all of the features you'll ever need. DuDu uses super memory light AMR format, so you can literally record thousands of hours of
calls on memory cards. You can browse, sort, delete and transfer all the
phone calls with ease.

Features of "DuDu Recorder":

* Automatic recording of phone calls.
* Unlimited Recording Time.
* Support recording in AMR formats.
* Support recording to internal memory or directly to memory card.
* Operate in background mode or/and user interactive mode.
* Always ready to accept hotkeys.
* Easy to manage/browse the details of all recorded clips such as caller id, duration, timestamp.
* Sort recorded clip by timestamp, phone number or person's name.
* Protects important conversations.
* Easy to retrieve the recorded voice clips using Nokia PC suite.
* Automatic startup upon phone power on. You can enable/disable this through the application settings.

What's new:

* Add record mode: Ask after recording.
* Fix the bug: Some times not recording calls.

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